I attended my first LeakyCon this year. LeakyCon 2019 (aka LeakyCon 10) was hosted at the Seaport Hotel and the World Trade Center from Friday, October 11, 2019 to Sunday, October 13, 2019. The first LeakyCon was held in Boston’s Park Plaza in 2009 and it’s fitting how LeakyCon 10 returns back to Boston for the 10 year anniversary. For those who don’t know what LeakyCon is, LeakyCon is a Harry Potter fandom convention by Mischief Management. It is also one of the annual conventions Mischief Management hosts. Earlier this year, during the summer, LeakyCon 9 ¾ was hosted in Dallas, Texas. Occasionally two LeakyCons will occur in one year. There have been some international locations such as Dublin, Ireland and London, UK.
The commute wasn't too bad in the morning but the rain was coming down and it was so windy. I met up with Jess outside of the World Trade Center to give her the LeakyCon badge. We ended up going to the Marketplace to look at the wonderful and creative Harry Potter masterpieces that were being sold there.
Afterward, we ended up attending the Spotlight: Wizarding World Actors panel with Stanislav Yanevski, Louis Cordice, Chris Rankin, Luke Youngblood and Dan Fogler. For those who don't know, these are the actors that played Viktor Krum, Blaise Zabini, Percy Weasely, Lee Jordan and Jacob Kowalski. It was definitely a well attended panel and it was interesting to hear what the actors have to say about what Harry Potter means to them. We also got to hear about their experience with filming for the movies. I might do a mini recap on some of the main stage events in a later post.
Jess and I went to An Excess of "Phlegm" and the Lack of Femme which was a very insightful panel regarding females within the Harry Potter wizarding world. The discussion was geared toward the personalities of different females with the series and how they are portrayed. Jess and I skipped the next panel slot to get some lunch at Shake Shack. Burgers and shakes always cheer me up. It was nice to get away from the con for a bit to refuel. I definitely noticed more people at the World Trade Center on Saturday compared to Friday. I know Saturdays are usually the busiest days for cons in the general. Not everyone can take off on Friday from work and school.
After lunch, walked around the Marketplace and around the venue before heading to the Potterheads of Color Meetup. Everyone at the meetup split up into pairs for 5-10 minutes to talk about how they got into Harry Potter and what they love about Harry Potter. We regrouped and then sorted ourselves according to our Hogwarts Houses. This was the first time where the Ravenclaws dominated! I have never seen so many Ravenclaws in one area. Also, we had the biggest house group compared to the other houses. Go Claws! At the end of the meetup, we took house photos and a group photo. It was definitely a fun meetup to meet new people.

I made a beeline to the Amphitheater to get a good seat for The Other Chosen One: A New Musical. I didn't take any videos of the musical since it's the first live read through but can I say that it was fabulous! I cannot wait to see a full version of this equipped with costumes, sets and a full cast. For those who don't know, this musical is in the eyes of Neville, aka the other Chosen One. We see what goes on at Hogwarts while the golden trio is hunting Horcruxes. Neville, Ginny and Luna, the silver trio, navigate Hogwarts, stand up to the Carrow siblings, and reunite Dumbledore's Army. It's an emotional tale of friendship, love and standing up for what is right - until the very end. I highly recommend seeing this if the musical moves forward.
Some of the panels I missed on day 2 of LeakyCon include Nowhere Safer than Hogwarts: Magical Security and its Faults, Credence: Human or Beast? and Time Travel in the Wizarding World: The When, the How, the Why, and the When. There was just way too many panels this day to attend to. I definitely needed a time turner.
After LeakyCon, I met up with my husband and a couple of friends to celebrate our friend, Mike's, 30th birthday. Look at this awesome photo I took when walking across the bridge near the Boston Children's Museum. I love the lights and the clouds look ominous. I wonder if a Dark Mark will appear.
Afterward, we ended up attending the Spotlight: Wizarding World Actors panel with Stanislav Yanevski, Louis Cordice, Chris Rankin, Luke Youngblood and Dan Fogler. For those who don't know, these are the actors that played Viktor Krum, Blaise Zabini, Percy Weasely, Lee Jordan and Jacob Kowalski. It was definitely a well attended panel and it was interesting to hear what the actors have to say about what Harry Potter means to them. We also got to hear about their experience with filming for the movies. I might do a mini recap on some of the main stage events in a later post.
Jess and I went to An Excess of "Phlegm" and the Lack of Femme which was a very insightful panel regarding females within the Harry Potter wizarding world. The discussion was geared toward the personalities of different females with the series and how they are portrayed. Jess and I skipped the next panel slot to get some lunch at Shake Shack. Burgers and shakes always cheer me up. It was nice to get away from the con for a bit to refuel. I definitely noticed more people at the World Trade Center on Saturday compared to Friday. I know Saturdays are usually the busiest days for cons in the general. Not everyone can take off on Friday from work and school.
After lunch, walked around the Marketplace and around the venue before heading to the Potterheads of Color Meetup. Everyone at the meetup split up into pairs for 5-10 minutes to talk about how they got into Harry Potter and what they love about Harry Potter. We regrouped and then sorted ourselves according to our Hogwarts Houses. This was the first time where the Ravenclaws dominated! I have never seen so many Ravenclaws in one area. Also, we had the biggest house group compared to the other houses. Go Claws! At the end of the meetup, we took house photos and a group photo. It was definitely a fun meetup to meet new people.

I made a beeline to the Amphitheater to get a good seat for The Other Chosen One: A New Musical. I didn't take any videos of the musical since it's the first live read through but can I say that it was fabulous! I cannot wait to see a full version of this equipped with costumes, sets and a full cast. For those who don't know, this musical is in the eyes of Neville, aka the other Chosen One. We see what goes on at Hogwarts while the golden trio is hunting Horcruxes. Neville, Ginny and Luna, the silver trio, navigate Hogwarts, stand up to the Carrow siblings, and reunite Dumbledore's Army. It's an emotional tale of friendship, love and standing up for what is right - until the very end. I highly recommend seeing this if the musical moves forward.
Some of the panels I missed on day 2 of LeakyCon include Nowhere Safer than Hogwarts: Magical Security and its Faults, Credence: Human or Beast? and Time Travel in the Wizarding World: The When, the How, the Why, and the When. There was just way too many panels this day to attend to. I definitely needed a time turner.
After LeakyCon, I met up with my husband and a couple of friends to celebrate our friend, Mike's, 30th birthday. Look at this awesome photo I took when walking across the bridge near the Boston Children's Museum. I love the lights and the clouds look ominous. I wonder if a Dark Mark will appear.
Have you been to LeakyCon or a Harry Potter fan convention before? What is your favorite part of attending a con? Do you cosplay?
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